Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014


                                         LOMBOK PRIMA WISATA TOURS & TRAVEL

EMAIL              lombokprimawisata@yahoo.com


1. (+62)081907766663 KRISHNA
2. (+62)085333224001 TIAN
3. (+62)081907063777 STEFEN
4. (+62)081237330676 PIUS BAHARI


Lombok Island is rich tourism potential . One of the tourism potential here is quite stunning Sekotong Beach . The beauty of white sandy beaches , the sea water was blue nan , nan and enchanting natural scenery , can be enjoyed at these attractions . Sekotong Beach is located in West Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara Province . This tourist attraction is quite easy to reach from the city of Mataram ( NTB provincial capital ) , which is only about 60 kilometers . To achieve Sekotong Beach , you can use public transport in the area . Mataram to Sekotong travel time is only about 1.5 to 2 hours . In Sekotong beach , you can swim in peace . Moreover , in these places you can also enjoy unlimited sunbathing ( sun baking ) .Atmosphere of the beach is not too crowded , you make a joke linger with the waves at the beach . Sekotong Beach is still relatively virgin , only crowded on weekends. Not only that , in the area of ​​Sekotong beach you can also enjoy the beauty of marine aquaculture . Because, in that place there Mariculture Center Lombok under the Directorate General of Aquaculture , Ministry of Marine Affairs.Biota sea shells like abalone , grouper , lobster , napoleon fish , sea cucumbers , and others will not be a drab landscape . You can also climb hills around Sekotong beach . The charm of this hill climbing tour will be a rare experience . Because , upon arrival at the summit , you will be treated with a stretch of very beautiful natural scenery . As long as the eye can see , will see a mix of beautiful beaches , blue water , towering Mount Agung and the small islands across the ocean .A number of islands ( Gili ) as scattered in sight . According to local residents , there are dozens of islands in the waters of Sekotong Gili , Gili Genting , Gili Papyrus , Gili Gede , Gili Bedis , Gili Sudak , Gili Nanggu , Tangkong Gili , Gili Berairan , divan Gili , Gili shavings , Gili Layar, Gili Renggit , Gili Goleng , Anyaran Gili and Gili Poh . If you want to spend the night , not to worry , because in the many attractions available lodging with rates that are very affordable and full amenities . How , interesting is not it ? Because it is not wrong if your next agenda of tourism is Sekotong Beach , Lombok which is one of the mainstays of tourism on the island of Lombok 

Sekotong area is an area that is very good for those who love the beauty of the underwater because this place has a rare coral reefs in touch and still natural, so do not be surprised if the Senggigi beach has stunning underwater beauty of the coral reefs are intact and the bottom dwellers sea. Here we are going to dive 2 to 3 times by using traditional boats used to take us to dive.
Sekotong Beach is one of the famous tourist attraction on the island of Lombok. This beach is located in West Lombok regency, precisely in the District of Sekotong. If measured from Mataram, Sekotong Beach is located approximately 60 kilometers. To reach Sekotong beach, can be reached by public transport minibuses similar about 1.5-2 hours. Besides through Mataram, can also be achieved through the Port of Nusa Penida. With a charter boat, Nusa Penida-Sekotong trip can be taken within three hours.
The beach is surrounded by a circular area of ​​hills not far from the beach. Watery blue sea and white sandy beaches. Sekotong beach is pristine, pollution-free and has not been touched by humans. However, today began construction of accommodation facilities such as hotels and inns.
Sekotong is one of 15 districts in West Lombok. Here the tourists can climb small hills near the coast. At the top of the hill, a lot of beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed. From the top of the hills, the tourists can enjoy the Sekotong Beach scenery freely. Mount Agung Bali will look across the seas. In addition a number of islands (dyke) which are quite close to the Sekotong Beach will look anyway. At least, there are dozens of islands in the waters of the Great Barrier Sekotong Gili, among others: Gili Genting, Gili Papyrus, Gili Gede, Gili Bedis, Gili Sudak, Gili Nanggu, Tangkong Gili, Gili Berairan, divan Gili, Gili shavings, Gili Layar, Gili Rengit, Goleng Gili, Gili Anyaran, and Gili Poh. Of a number of islands, many of which are uninhabited. Only a few are inhabited namely Gili Layar, Gili shavings, and Gili Gede.  


1. SEND EMAIL TO: lombokprimawisata@yahoo.com
        -full name
        -the number of visitors
        -the date of arrival
        -The hotels are selected according to our recommendations




Daerah Sekotong adalah daerah yang sangat bagus bagi anda yang suka akan keindahan bawah laut karena tempat ini memiliki terumbu karang yang jarang di sentuh dan masih alami, jadi tidak heran bila pantai sekotong mempunyai keindahan bawah laut yang menakjubkan dengan karang-karangnya yang utuh serta penghuni bawah lautnya. Di sini kita akan melakukan penyelaman 2 sampai 3 kali dengan menggunakan perahu tradisional yang biasa mengantar kita untuk menyelam.

Pantai Sekotong adalah salah satu obyek wisata yang terkenal di Pulau Lombok. Pantai ini terletak di Kabupaten Lombok Barat, tepatnya di Kecamatan Sekotong. Jika diukur dari Kota Mataram, Pantai Sekotong ini berjarak sekitar 60 kilometer. Untuk menuju Pantai Sekotong, dapat ditempuh dengan angkutan umum sejenis minibus sekitar 1,5-2 jam. Selain melalui Mataram, bisa juga dicapai melalui Pelabuhan Nusa Penida. Dengan perahu sewaan, perjalanan Nusa Penida-Sekotong bisa ditempuh dalam waktu tiga jam.

Pantai ini dikelilingi oleh kawasan perbukitan yang melingkar tak jauh dari pinggir pantai. Lautnya berair biru dan pantainya berpasir putih. Pantai Sekotong ini masih asli, bebas polusi dan belum banyak dijamah manusia. Namun demikian kini mulai dibangun sarana akomodasi seperti hotel dan penginapan.

Sekotong merupakan salah satu dari 15 kecamatan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Di sini para wisatawan dapat mendaki bukit-bukit kecil di dekat pantai. Di puncak bukit itu, banyak pemandangan indah yang dapat dinikmati. Dari puncak perbukitan, para wisatawan dapat menikmati pemandangan Pantai Sekotong dengan leluasa. Gunung Agung Bali akan tampak di seberang lautan. Selain itu sejumlah pulau (gili) yang berada cukup dekat dengan Pantai Sekotong akan tampak pula. Setidaknya, ada belasan pulau di perairan Gugusan Gili Sekotong, antara lain: Gili Genting, Gili Lontar, Gili Gede, Gili Bedis, Gili Sudak, Gili Nanggu, Gili Tangkong, Gili Berairan, Gili Amben, Gili Asahan, Gili Layar, Gili Rengit, Gili Goleng, Gili Anyaran, dan Gili Poh. Dari sejumlah pulau ini, banyak di antaranya yang tidak berpenghuni. Hanya beberapa saja yang berpenghuni yakni Gili Layar, Gili Asahan, dan Gili Gede.


1. KIRIM EMAIL KE : lombokprimawisata@yahoo.com
        -nama lengkap
        -jumlah pengunjung
        -tanggal kedatangan
        -hotel yang dipilih sesuai rekomendasi kami


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