Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Ranamese Lake , Gem Peace of

Ranamese Lake , Gem Peace of

Beautiful panorama , the air is relatively cool to a temperature of 14 degrees Celsius , surrounded by dense forest and lush . Ranamese lake , which is located in East Manggarai , Flores , East Nusa Tenggara , became natural attractions exciting and unfortunately if pass up.

The lake has an area of ​​about five hectares ( ha ) , a depth of 43 meters , and is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level ( masl ) that is part of the Natural Park ( TWA ) Ruteng . TWA area of ​​32245.60 ha is managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Unit ( UKSDA ) NTT 
Lake Ranamese closer distance from Ruteng , Manggarai , Flores , which is about 25 kilometers ( km ) and takes about 30 minutes . As if pursued through Borong , East Manggarai regency capital , a distance of approximately 35 km .

Lake Ranamese including volcanic lake . Previously , the lake is a crater -covered mountain lake water so that the edges are steep . The lake is also similar to triwana Kelimutu lake formed from the crater of Mount Kelimutu ( 1,690 masl ) in Ende , Flores , which was phenomenal .

When Compass visited this lake , Wednesday ( 6/4 ) at around 10:30 pm , the atmosphere is very quiet . The surface of the lake water is very calm and distinctive green color began shrouded in fog . Surrounding forests emitting shades shade .

No tourists at that time . There are only a few people around the lake who were fishing tilapia with simple wooden raft .

Ranamese lake in the village of Golo Loni , District Borong , East Manggarai , right in the dense forest . The lake is flanked by Mount Mandosawu ( 2,400 meters ) - which is the highest peak in the mountain chain and mountain Ranaka ( 2,140 meters ) , which is the second highest peak after Mandosawu .

That's why this lake is like a hidden gem in the tranquility of the forest . It is far from the settlement , the air is very clean , so the lake is worth becoming an important alternative for anyone , especially those who want to vacation or traveled looking for peace of mind .

" One of the unique advantages Ranamese lake was tranquil atmosphere and the forest is still beautiful because it is located away from the settlements , "
Conditions Ranamese lake water is still very clear, so it is used as a source of drinking water for the local community , even for residents Borong .

occupants lake

Ranamese lake is still beautiful with the environment is the main attraction for a variety of animals . There are migratory birds , such as ducks or grouse water ( Anas querquedula ) and pecuk ( Phalacroraxidae ) . In the lake there is also a diversity of freshwater fish , shrimp , and eel .

The existence of eels in Lake Ranamese not be separated from the legend that developed in the local community . It is said that in ancient times believed that there are two lakes inhabited by spirits, namely Ranamese Lake ( small lake ) and Lake Ranahenbok ( big lake ) located in Golorutuk .

One time , occupants Ranamese Lake and Lake Ranahenbok war . Occupants Ranamese also enlist the help of humans because almost lost .

Human forces win easily because of the weapons used Ranahenbok is eel ( in view of the delicate creature is spear ) . Human eel cut it with a machete . Defeat occupants Ranahenbok Lake Lake Ranamese paid by swapping becomes more widespread . Legend of the trusted and believed to date and is believed to be human in an ancestral legend Golo Loni residents .

Lack of facilities

As a tourist attraction , not visible support facilities in the area of Lake Ranamese . There are no food stalls , souvenir stalls , the boat circled around the lake , or fishing equipment

" The local government has not built the facility until now . If it is built , local people can certainly feel the economic benefits , "said Tua Golo ( Chair Traditional ) Lerang village

they admit , until recently East Manggarai regency government can not manage the lake must obtain permission Ranamese as forestry minister .
In fact , if the government is seriously working on tourism in the Lake Ranamese , many things that can be sold . In addition to the charm of the lake , there is also a typical ritual Golo Loni , namely penti ( ceremony of thanksgiving for the harvest ) . In a ritual that is usually held in August or September .

Ranaka charm

Still in the area of ​​Lake Ranamese , visitors can also enjoy the adventure leading to the summit of Mount Ranaka and Child Ranaka formed in 1987. 's Location can be reached by the vehicle for about 15 minutes from Lake Ranamese .

From the entrance to the mountain top in the ROBO , Ranaka Village , District Poco Ranaka , a trip to the summit is 9 km . After 6 km uphill , Mount Anak Ranaka was already evident . Farther to the summit , visitors can see a panoramic view of nature and the northern coast of the southern coast of Manggarai .

Still around mile six , there is a small lake . Local people also believe there is a mysterious lake in the region of Mount Ranaka named Lake Ranaka . In the local language , meaning shutter lake , and ka is a kind of bird crow . In the past , the region's many crows, but it is now very rare . Thus , the lake is a lake Ranaka crow bathing .

" However , the lake is in KM 6 was not Ranaka lake is believed to be because only certain people or psychics are able to know and see the lake Ranaka position , " said the officer Volcano Observation Post Children Ranaka .

observation post officers accompanied by motorcycle We visited the summit of Mount Ranaka . The journey stalled several times because he had to pave the way with a machete . Asphalt road to the top of the lot covered kerinyu or grass and small twigs and the road was slippery with moss.

As the journey reached two kilometers , a boulder fell from a cliff has been blocking the road . In addition , there is a shelter of palm fiber roof collapsed , also a large tree fell across the road . No maintenance as well to the tourism asset

Officers with ordinary locals cleared the way to the summit of Mount Ranaka . However , activity was not routinely performed .
While high rainfall causes crops such as fast-growing kerinyu .

Ranamese lake with his charm is so appealing indeed very unfortunate if not optimally managed . In fact , if adequate facilities , tourists can stay longer in the lake that exudes the feel of peace , including the island of Flores . It is time the government started to sprinkle " sugar " .

tour package booking info Ranamese lake east Manggarai ntt
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-the number of tour participants
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contact person or contact us:
-085 333 224 001
-082 339 225 444
-081 237 330 676

Danau Ranamese, Permata Ketenteraman

Panoramanya indah, udaranya relatif dingin hingga bersuhu 14 derajat celsius, dikelilingi hutan lebat dan subur. Danau Ranamese, yang terletak di Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, menjadi obyek wisata alam yang amat menarik dan sayang apabila dilewatkan begitu saja.
Danau yang memiliki luas sekitar lima hektar (ha), kedalaman 43 meter, dan berada di ketinggian 1.200 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl) itu adalah bagian dari Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Ruteng. TWA seluas 32.245,60 ha itu dikelola oleh Unit Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (UKSDA) NTT II.
Danau Ranamese lebih dekat ditempuh dari Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai, Flores, yaitu sekitar 25 kilometer (km) dengan waktu tempuh 30 menit. Adapun jika ditempuh melalui Borong, ibu kota Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, jaraknya lebih kurang 35 km.
Danau Ranamese termasuk danau vulkanik. Sebelumnya, danau ini berupa kawah gunung yang tertutup air sehingga bagian tepi danau curam. Danau ini juga serupa dengan danau triwana Kelimutu yang terbentuk dari kawah Gunung Kelimutu (1.690 mdpl) di Kabupaten Ende, Flores, yang fenomenal itu.
Ketika Kompas mengunjungi danau ini, Rabu (6/4) sekitar pukul 10.30 Wita, suasana amat hening. Permukaan air danau yang sangat tenang dan berwarna khas hijau itu mulai diselimuti kabut. Hutan di sekelilingnya memancarkan nuansa keteduhan.
Tidak ada wisatawan saat itu. Hanya ada beberapa warga sekitar danau yang sedang memancing ikan nila dengan rakit kayu sederhana.
Danau Ranamese berada di Desa Golo Loni, Kecamatan Borong, Manggarai Timur, tepat di kawasan hutan yang lebat. Danau ini diapit Gunung Mandosawu (2.400 mdpl)—yang merupakan puncak gunung tertinggi dalam mata rantai pegunungan Ruteng—dan Gunung Ranaka (2.140 mdpl), yang merupakan puncak tertinggi kedua setelah Mandosawu.
Itu sebabnya danau ini ibarat sebuah permata ketenteraman yang tersembunyi di tengah hutan. Letaknya jauh dari permukiman, udaranya sangat bersih, sehingga danau ini layak menjadi alternatif penting bagi siapa saja, terutama yang ingin berlibur atau berwisata mencari ketenangan jiwa.
”Salah satu keunggulan dan keunikan Danau Ranamese adalah suasananya yang tenang dan hutannya masih asri karena memang letaknya jauh dari permukiman,”
Kondisi air Danau Ranamese pun masih sangat jernih sehingga digunakan sebagai sumber air minum bagi masyarakat setempat, bahkan bagi warga Kota Borong.
Penghuni danau
Danau Ranamese dengan lingkungannya yang masih asri ini menjadi daya tarik bagi bermacam binatang. Ada burung migran, seperti itik air atau belibis (Anas querquedula) dan pecuk (Phalacroraxidae). Di dalam danau juga ada keragaman ikan air tawar, udang, dan belut.
Keberadaan belut di Danau Ranamese tak lepas dari legenda yang berkembang di warga setempat. Konon pada zaman dahulu diyakini ada dua danau yang dihuni makhluk halus, yaitu Danau Ranamese (danau kecil) dan Danau Ranahenbok (danau besar) yang terletak di Golorutuk.
Suatu ketika, penghuni Danau Ranamese dan Danau Ranahenbok berperang. Penghuni Ranamese pun minta bantuan manusia karena nyaris kalah.
Pasukan manusia menang dengan mudah karena senjata yang digunakan Ranahenbok adalah belut (dalam pandangan makhluk halus adalah tombak). Manusia menebas belut itu dengan parang. Kekalahan penghuni Danau Ranahenbok dibayar dengan menukar Danau Ranamese menjadi lebih luas. Legenda itu dipercaya dan diyakini hingga saat ini dan manusia dalam legenda ini diyakini merupakan leluhur warga Golo Loni.
Minim fasilitas
Sebagai obyek wisata, tidak terlihat fasilitas pendukung di area Danau Ranamese. Tidak ada kios makanan, kios suvenir, perahu untuk berkeliling mengitari danau, atau peralatan memancing.
”Pemerintah daerah belum membangun fasilitas sampai sekarang. Kalau sudah dibangun, warga sekitar tentu bisa merasakan manfaat ekonomi,” kata Tua Golo (Ketua Adat) Kampung Lerang.
mereka mengakui, sampai saat ini Pemerintah Kabupaten Manggarai Timur belum dapat mengelola Danau Ranamese karena harus mendapat izin menteri kehutanan.
Padahal, jika pemerintah serius menggarap pariwisata di Danau Ranamese, banyak hal yang bisa dijual. Selain pesona danau, ada pula ritual khas masyarakat Golo Loni, yaitu penti (upacara syukur atas hasil panen). Dalam ritual yang biasa digelar pada Agustus atau September.
Pesona ranaka
Masih dalam kawasan Danau Ranamese, pengunjung juga dapat menikmati petualangan menuju ke puncak Gunung Ranaka dan Anak Ranaka yang terbentuk tahun 1987. Lokasi itu dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan selama sekitar 15 menit dari Danau Ranamese.
Dari pintu masuk menuju puncak gunung di Robo, Desa Ranaka, Kecamatan Poco Ranaka, perjalanan ke puncak berjarak 9 km. Setelah menanjak sejauh 6 km, Gunung Anak Ranaka sudah terlihat jelas. Lebih jauh ke puncak, wisatawan dapat melihat panorama alam pantai utara dan pantai selatan Kabupaten Manggarai.
Masih di sekitar kilometer enam, ada sebuah danau kecil. Masyarakat setempat juga meyakini ada danau misterius di kawasan Gunung Ranaka yang bernama Danau Ranaka. Dalam bahasa setempat, rana artinya danau, dan ka adalah burung sejenis gagak. Dulu, di kawasan itu banyak burung gagak, tetapi kini sudah amat jarang. Jadi, danau Ranaka merupakan danau tempat mandi burung gagak.
”Namun, danau yang ada di KM 6 itu bukan Danau Ranaka yang dimaksud sebab diyakini hanya orang tertentu atau paranormal saja yang dapat mengetahui dan melihat posisi Danau Ranaka,” kata petugas Pos Pengamatan Gunung Api Anak Ranaka.
petugas pos pengamatan turut mendampingi Kami dengan sepeda motor mengunjungi puncak Gunung Ranaka. Perjalanan terhenti beberapa kali karena Beliau harus membuka jalan dengan parang. Jalan aspal ke puncak itu banyak yang tertutup kerinyu atau rumput dan ranting kecil dan jalan pun licin karena berlumut.
Saat perjalanan baru mencapai dua kilometer, batu besar yang runtuh dari tebing sudah menghalangi jalan. Selain itu, terdapat atap shelter dari ijuk yang roboh, juga satu pohon besar tumbang melintang di tengah jalan. Seolah tidak ada pemeliharaan yang baik terhadap aset pariwisata ini.
Petugas bersama warga setempat biasa membersihkan jalan menuju puncak Gunung Ranaka. Akan tetapi, kegiatan itu tidak rutin dilakukan.
Sementara curah hujan yang tinggi menyebabkan tanaman seperti kerinyu cepat tumbuh.
Danau Ranamese dengan pesonanya yang begitu memikat memang sangat disayangkan jika belum dikelola secara optimal. Padahal, seandainya fasilitas memadai, wisatawan dapat tinggal lebih lama di danau yang memancarkan nuansa ketenteraman tersebut, termasuk Pulau Flores. Saatnya pemerintah mulai menyiramkan ”gula”.

info pemesanan paket wisata danau ranamese manggarai timur ntt
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